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Our message of positivity


Positivity, determination and the desire for change. This prompted us to leave our mark with a small contribution,
to share enthusiasm and joy with the whole world.

We want to send a message of positivity to the world. We want to do it with the determination and cohesion typical of our territory, South Tyrol, which has taught us over the years the importance of adapting to change and doing it with commitment and a spirit of unity.

Our concrete sign is represented by a donation for UNICEF thanks to joining the “Impresa Amica dell’UNICEF” program. Our precious donation will contribute to the construction of a school in Ivory Coast, built entirely with recycled plastic bricks.

The enthusiasm for this initiative involved not only our Team but also other people, and merged in the creation of this video, in order to reach all our partners and all people in difficulty.

We want to thank for the help in the preparation and realization of the song:

  • Team Stocker
  • Birgit Laimer – professional singer
  • Florian Mahlknecht – sound engineer
  • Lost Zone – band
  • Alessandro Fabris – violinist

Our customers in the next months will be able to take part in this project too, by renouncing the rewards of the loyalty program in favor of a contribution to this cause.

Through this video we want to wish happy holidays and a happy new year to everyone!